Green Team

East Church Green Team

If you are a lover of gardening, wildflowers, or wildlife, then this is a  that Team you would enjoy being a part of! Here you can join with other like minded stewards in the care of the green spaces at East Church and beyond! 
We have created a space in the corner of our parking lot called “The Rain Garden”. This has been done in cooperation with the National Wildlife Federation, (include link here)
It contains native wildflower plantings that will continue to be expanded in and around the garden to help with stormwater management and pollinator and wildlife habitat. We would love to have you join us in this project.
Check out the pictures and videos on this page to see what it’s all about!
Importance of Wildflowers:
This August the Blue Lobelia was blooming! The Great Blue Lobelia is pollinator-friendly, attracting hummingbirds and butterflies, particularly Monarchs, as they love the nectar this beautiful flower provides. Learn more here;  How to attract Monarchs to your yard . It is a host plant to the Lobelia Dagger moth (Acronicta lobelia) and is highly sought after for its nectar by Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) butterflies.

Bumblebees are the most frequent and primary pollinators; however, Digger bees (Anthophora terminalis), Yellow-faced bees (Hylaeus spp.), Green Sweat bees (Augochlorini spp.), and Small Carpenter bees (Ceratina spp.) will often visit.

Check out this video of how East Church has worked with the NWF to bring native plants to the Grand Rapids area:      Grand Rapids Collaborative Sacred Grounds Project

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