
Church Programs For Children

Children of all ages are welcome at East Church.  Nursery care is provided by a paid caregiver each week for children from birth through preschool age.  Children K-5 attend worship with their families for a short time and are dismissed to age-appropriate classes after the “Time With Our Children.”  If your child is reluctant to leave you—they are welcome to remain in worship and quiet activity bags are available from an usher.

Christian Education for children takes a high priority at East Church. This child-centered Worship celebrates our faith stories with songs, scripture, and discussion while honoring faith practices like communion, prayer, and stewardship. We encourage children to interact with scripture stories through storytelling, delving deeper into the Bible passage with group discussion, and exploring faith concepts with experiential activities.

Our smallest infants and toddlers are cared for in our Noah’s Ark nursery, located on the second floor. Sunday school is offered during our 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship service for children ages Kindergarten through 5th grade, also located on the second floor. Registration happens at the beginning of every school year but is not necessary to participate. All children are welcome.

Primary Communities Served

Grand Rapids

East Grand Rapids

Ottawa Hills

East Town